GCC Rust Weekly Status Report 20

Thanks again to Open Source Security, inc and Embecosm for their ongoing support for this project.

Milestone Progress

This week, I made good progress with merging work that I was working on via git branches. To get through this milestone, I believe that Traits break down into three phases:

  • Trait impl blocks and enforcing the obligations of the trait
    • Support the implicit Self on Traits
    • Support optional trait obligations
  • TypeBounds and update the type system to handle coercions
  • Where constraints and Least upper bound coercions and testing

Now the first part is almost complete.

Monthly Community Call

We will be having our 4th community call over on Zulip as the first Friday of the month.

Google Summer of Code

Static Analysis

Wenzhang Yang has extended his work this week by adding traversing the HIR to generate the live symbols to not only look for dead code but also search for unused structures to provide warnings like:

../gcc/testsuite/rust/compile/torture/struct_init.rs:1:1: warning: struct is never constructed: ‘Foo’
    1 | struct Foo {
      | ^

Cargo Support

Arthur Cohen has now merged support static and shared library compilation. He has also added a lot of github automation by reusing the GCCRS docker image to provide integration testing as well as unit-tests. Thanks for Philipp Krones and bjorn3 for doing detailed code reviews.

Detailed changelog

Thanks to the Contributors:

Thanks for all the contributions this week from:

Trait Obligations

When we create an impl block for a trait, each item must be part of the trait; by enforcing this rule, we know that this type fully implements the trait. I was able to merge the first part of trait obligations, which enforces that items declared within a trait impl block must be part of that trait and conform correctly for example:

trait Foo {
    fn Bar() -> i32 {}

struct Baz;

impl Foo for Baz {
    fn Barrr() {}

We can see that the function ‘Barrr’ is not part of the trait so we are able to provide the error:

test.rs:8:5: error: method ‘Barrr’ is not a member of trait ‘Foo’
    1 | trait Foo {
      | ~    
    8 |     fn Barrr() {}
      |     ^

The other error we can provide is ensuring that the item is actually the correct type:

trait Foo {
    fn Bar() -> i32 {}

struct Baz;

impl Foo for Baz {
    fn Bar() {}

fn main() {}

Gives this error showing that the return types are not compatible.

test.rs:8:5: error: expected [i32] got [()]
    2 |     fn Bar() -> i32 {}
      |                 ~
    8 |     fn Bar() {}
      |     ^
test.rs:8:5: error: method ‘Bar’ has an incompatible type for trait ‘Foo’

There is a branch here to add support for this onto methods, constants and associated types but it needs more work.

Unit Type support and GCC

Unit types were neglected in GCC rust for some time, but recently we made a breakthrough. I used void_type_node to represent them into GCC’s GENERIC, but this led to an ICE with GCC. Thanks to our new contributor Tom Tromey suggested that I try a zero precision unsigned integer to represent the unit-type; this solves the issue. However, if we use this as the return type for functions, we end up with one ICE when optimizations are active. Though if we leave functions as void_type_node, everything works fine with optimizations turned on. I will need to reach out to the GCC mailing list in order to get the prefered solution.

DWARF magic

Tom Tromey noticed that for tuples we used plain integer field names in the DWARF. However, Rustc prefixes these with “__”, and GDB understands this convention.

Nested Items

We now support nested functions and nested structure definitions. Rust allows for blocks to define new Items: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/statements.html

This means we can now compile the following:

pub fn main() {
    struct foo {
        a: i32,
        b: f32,

    let a;
    a = foo { a: 123, b: 456f32 };

    fn bar<T>(x: T) -> T {

    let mut a = 123;
    a = bar(a);

    let mut b = 456f32;
    b = bar(b);

What’s interested is that nested functions are not closures, they cannot encapsulate the state of the lexical scope it is defined within, which means they can be extracted as a normal function item as you can see here: https://godbolt.org/z/GMqvYjn6x

Completed Activities

Overall Task Status

CategoryLast WeekThis WeekDelta
In Progress66
GitHub Issues

Test Cases

CategoryLast WeekThis WeekDelta
make check-rust


CategoryLast WeekThis WeekDelta
In Progress22
GitHub Bugs

Milestones Progress

MilestoneLast WeekThis WeekDeltaStart DateCompletion DateTarget
Data Structures 1 – Core100%100%30th Nov 202027th Jan 202129th Jan 2021
Control Flow 1 – Core100%100%28th Jan 202110th Feb 202126th Feb 2021
Data Structures 2 – Generics100%100%11th Feb 202114th May 202128th May 2021
Data Structures 3 – Traits20%32%+12%20th May 202127th Aug 2021
Control Flow 2 – Pattern Matching0%0%29th Oct 2021
Imports and Visibility0%0%TBD
GitHub Milestones


RiskImpact (1-3)Likelihood (0-10)Risk (I * L)Mitigation
Copyright assignments224Be up front on all PRs that the code is destined to be upstreamed to GCC
Rust Language Changes3721Keep up to date with the Rust language on a regular basis

Planned Activities

  • Complete testing with Trait Obligations on methods and associated types and merge
  • Move onto Type Bounds and Constraints

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